Monday 1 June 2009

Karma Chameleon...

This being the final project brief for the year I wanted to make sure I took all that I have learnt from this year, about myself and my work, and produce a unit that each area was done to its highest. Before I started the unit, I had a fabric manipulation workshop, exploring wax pots, heat press and general sewing techniques to create different, interesting fabrics that could be used within our final designs. I really enjoyed this as it was a different way of experimenting, figuring out what would work, and what, would be a total disaster.

Within my research, I did many sheets that were about a variety of things to do with Metamorphosis, but from the manipulated fabrics I made, I was drawn to focus upon chameleons, and more upon their skin- how it changes colour and can adapt as a camouflage for the animal.

I also completed a workshop upon moulage pattern cutting. This involved flattening calico upon a mannequin and cutting areas out to create the garment. Then, when taken off the mannequin, it is layed out and a pattern is drawn. I instantly was drawn to this technique, as I liked the way in which the garment is created. I chose to use this idea within my final garment as it was another skill that I had learnt this year.

I wanted to make something that would use the ideas I has took from the fabric workshops, taking certain ideas that reflected the chameleons scale like skin. I decided upon a dress with an removable skirt/apron, that would be reversible, to camouflage itself.

I was pleased with this unit, as I found I controlled my time much better. I made lists and notes about what to do and when for. I spread my work out more over time and in the end, I was not rushed into the final stages of the work. This made me enjoy creating my work more and, I feel, created a better outcome, when being handed in.

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