Sunday 31 May 2009

Garment Making And Picture Taking...

This module started a little differently to the others. The lectures that were given were very interesting, spanning many years of fashion and the developments and fallbacks that have happened in the process.

From these lectures had an idea what theme I wanted to take and follow with in this unit. At first I looked at The Urban Traveller, looking at the latest technology that was being developed for used by commuters and people in urban areas. however, when I showed my ideas to a group tutorial I realized that my ideas had faults within them and would prove a struggle to carry on with.

With this in mind I decided to change my whole idea. Looking at Subcultures And Style, I found many areas I could cover and hone in on. focusing upon the symbols that are instantly recognisable to many that reflect the subculture.

When it came to taking the picture, we were also given a talk upon using the SLR cameras and professional camera equipment, taking them outside to capture different pictures and using lights and light meters to get the best out of the camera. I really enjoyed this as I got to explore photography on a completely different level and I was very pleased with some of the final results.

With my final picture I took the ideas from the SLR camera on board and spent time on creating an idea for the image. I really like the final outcome, I think it reflects the ideas I wanted to portray very well. In this unit, there was so much that I learnt, from the lectures, all the way to the camera inductions. This is an area of this industry I would like to be involved with again as I found the photography element enjoyable and fascinating to be involved within, also, I really like capturing the garment in a way that really accentuates it vastly.

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