Tuesday 2 June 2009

My Fantastic Fifteen...

This selection of images shows the best pieces of work, from many of my units, throughout the year. They include a variety of types of media, photography, CAD manipulation and garment making. From all of the work I have produced, I am especially pleased with these, as it shows my progression, with new skills I have learnt and has helped me to decide what pathway I want to choose next year. These are techniques that I will be using next year, and also will develop these skills further.

PPD1- 15 Best Pieces Of Work...
Tied & Twisted- Hand Rendered Image -
I was happy with the comments that were made by my peers. It shows the method, I feel, I work best with when drawing- pen and wash.


Tied & Twisted- Half Scale Design

For the time we were given to complete this task, I was pleased, with the materials I used, the outcome that I achieved.

Subcultures & Style- Dress Pattern

This pattern that I did on the sewing machine really works well and stands out on the dress within the final photograph of Subcultures & Style.

Subcultures & Style- Final Photograph

Using the pattern, as shown above, looks striking on the final photograph. This is the best individual outcome I have achieved this year. I think it looks effective and gives the right statement I wanted to state. Upon the website, it looks vivid and eye catching, on the welcome page.

String Tree
This was completed with my first unit- 15 different types of media use. From one piece of string I designed the tree shape. I feel, although it is freehand but still delivers upon what I wanted it to look like. Using brown string gives it that scruffy, bark like effect.


SLR Camera Photograph

Within the SLR camera induction, this was one of my final outcomes. This being my favorite image, I really like the visual look of it- the flower being very bold within the greenery.


Shop Report

I really enjoyed completing the research for this shop report. I was interesting to find out about all the different areas of the business it takes to sell a garment, and how much is planned to make sure it is sold to the right people in the right market.


Photo Montage

I have done this kind of David Hockney photo montage before, within my A-Level. I enjoyed taking the photos that complete the image and putting them together, like a puzzle- making the image seem not perfect to the eye, but the flawed look is interesting and makes it look much more realistic.


Tied & Twisted- Paper Dress

This innovative idea worked really well when built upon the mannequin. The different colours of the newspaper, when knotted and plaited worked really together and showed through the monochrome of the newsprint.


Metamorphosis- Final Garment

This was my final garment I produced this year. I really liked the shape I made upon the shoulders, along with the iridescent material to the rear and upon the scales- which really give it that chameleon-esque look. The panelled apron worked particularly well, using the different methods of fabric manipulation.


'It Fell From The Sky...' -Final Photograph

I think I captured the futuristic look that I wanted to achieve within this photograph. The white garment, in contrast to the black background gives the harsh look I wanted.

Final Line Up- 'Motion In The Ocean'
From the design ideas I completed, these were the ones which would work well with the Topshop market I was within. The colours worked well with the shell and scales idea that I based all the designs upon.

Final Hat- Millinery Elective
I was particularly proud with this outcome, as it was a painful process to undertake! The mad hatter theme I was going for really is accented with the feminine veiling.


Calico Dress- Imitating A Garment

This being my first garment that I have made, using flat pattern cutting techniques, I was very proud as to what I achieved. From what I learnt, the basic dress I made, taught me many skills, some of which I am still learning.


CAD Manipulation- Paper Dress

This was my best outcome, using CAD. I like the different colours and changing the contrast of the image.


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