Sunday 31 May 2009

Realising A Dress...

In this unit, I was introduced to the industrial machinery. At first they were daunting as they were much speedier than machines I'm used to. After a few disastrous attempts, I got used to managing the speed and moving the garment around.

When it came to start to pattern cut, I started to struggle. It is something that I am still trying to get my head around and one of my major obstacles so far this year. So when I had to choose a dress to recreate, I chose something that would be easier than most, so I had a better chance understanding the aspects of making a dress. The basic shift dress took me a while to complete, and I had to research many of the components of making it, by looking at my pattern cutting book.

The final piece was something that I was very pleased with, at least it being the first real garment I have made using the flat pattern cutting technique.

I am still getting my head around this area of the course, along with dart manipulation, I seem to have stalled and am not able to grasp the method yet. As it is such an important area of this course it is something I will definitely be trying to teach myself over the coming months.

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