Sunday 31 May 2009

Lots And Lots Of Levels...

Within this unit, I felt I learnt more about the retail side of fashion. Starting with completing a shop report, alongside this seasons up and coming design ideas, by completing trendboards. Both of these are things I have never done before in such detail, but, when completed I was happy with the end result. At first, taking the photos and visiting certain shops was a bit daunting, but as time progressed, I enjoyed look at the different design ideas in the different sectors of the market.

It was interesting writing the shop report, as I found and realized that there is so much difference between the different markets as to the initial design right up to the final sell of the garment to the customer, each has its own process that is very important to the garment.

The second part of this module was a bit trickier for me. When given the brief 'Container Culture' there was so much that could be linked to make up its research. Within this unit, I started to produce more drawings and ideas rather than reams of writing that I have been used to doing in my GCSE and A Level days.

When it came down to completing the many design ideas, I struggled. I found it difficult to think of lots of designs that were suitable for my chosen market level and the brand within it- Lower Middle Market- Topshop. However, after many attempts of design ideas, I finally came through, coming up with ideas that would suit, but still have the idea of the shell and scales look I wanted to use, from the research I completed.

Overall in this unit, I was pleased with the final line up that completed my work. I definitely learnt new CAD skills and will develop these further later. I worked hard to make sure the ideas reflected the markets and used ideas that could be accessible to the brands. Doing a lot of the work outside of the college helped me to get things done quicker and using the negative ways I found within my personal approach in the last unit, turning them in to positives, I worked easier and completed things in a quicker time and less rushed than usual.

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