Wednesday 27 May 2009

And So I Begin...

Receiving my first module of the year, and the first as part of my time here, I was apprehensive as to how to go about it, wondering if the knowledge and the ways I went about things during my A Level days would be useful to this, or, if I would have to change my ways of working completely.

Luckily, the module handbook, gave me useful hints and tips to make sure, I did what was needed, however there is no right way going about the work. In this course, I have noticed that there is such a variety of ways of working and completing work, that it is very individual when it comes to the final outcome.

The manipulated garment was the first main task that I was set during this module, after completing a paper dress made solely from newspaper and pattern paper, I had a task to make a garment from a shirt, a pair of trousers and a bag. Even though this seems to be a simple enough task, it took some skill to adapt the garments to create something that did not look like the three garments were just 'sewn together'.

I liked the final outcome but I feel that it could have been improved. It was basic with its idea and the bonding of the three garments as, I feel they could have been adapted to create something that was less recognisable as just three pieces of clothing.

The process of taking the photograph was something I really did enjoy. I feel I conveyed the idea we were given- 'It Fell From The Sky...' as I wanted something which looked futuristic in its look. Using the black background really picks out the white garment really well.

Within this module I have learnt new skills that i will definitely be using again during my time here. Setting up a photograph was something i really did enjoy. it was interesting working out the positions I wanted the model to be in and making sure the lighting and the camera itself was in the right position and was doing its job.

Overall, within this unit, it has been enjoyable, but i still have areas that i need to touch upon to make sure i reach my highest potential. Time management is something that i need to focus upon and combat. Writing out lists, setting myself goals and keeping my work in balance with the due date is something, i will need to and focus upon within my next unit.

This was my first taster of what is going to be done upon this course and I'm looking forward to see whats in store for the rest of the year...

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