Sunday 9 May 2010

Practicing My Research Skills...

We received this module just before Easter, so it gave me time to digest what was needed to be done. When I finally decided from which Critical and Contextual Studies lecture I was to base my research upon, I chose the one that I found to be the most interesting. This was Exhibitions and Audiences.

From my notes from this lecture I enjoyed the ideas of the modern artists and was influenced by a quote upon one of the slides.

'Resonant Echoes.

Each new object informs the understanding of the one we just saw, as well as the next.' Rugoff- 2006

This lead me to research into modern art, in a few of its different guises- Pop, Art Deco, Geometrical and Graphic. In compiling my research further, I then found another quote that inspired me further.

'Either be a work of art or wear a work of art.' Oscar Wilde

I looked at designers that have used modern art as their inspiration and then decided to use an artist to inspire me. I visited the 1853 Gallery in Saltaire, home to the works of David Hockney. His works are colourful and abstract, something that led me to use him as the main influence into my final collection. I chose him as I have enjoyed his work for many years and he uses shape and colouring well to accentuate areas of his work to make it eye catching and keep with its theme.

I chose a few of his paintings to use for the final line up, colour scheme and my exhibition stand- this of which was how my collection will be shown. Keeping with the Exhibitions and Audiences theme, I want my collection to be shown within an exhibition style, with pieces hung up around the room so the viewer can walk around it and see the garments up close. With a few of Hockney's paintings blown up on the walls to bring the colour and set the scene with the designs.
This module has been enjoyable, I liked researching the artists and visiting gallery's to influence me and also enjoyed incorporating colour and vibrancy into my work, as this is an area that I like to use within my work whenever possible.

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