Monday 26 April 2010

Handbags, Gladrags, Fashion Concepts and New Media...

This module was one of the most interesting of the year so far. It involved so many different aspects that I had to research and to ultimately create one individual, different idea.

I chose to create a collection of bags that could be used in conjunction with women's office wear, targeting those in the city, who have to dress to impress and like to look smart. Using the influence of modern shapes and urban styling, I created a collection that employed both functionality and a smart office style for women on the move.

I then researched into where and what type of performance my collection would be introduced to the public, with the venue being a major factor in order to create the feel and the atmosphere that would suit its target market. Then linking my invitations and advertising with the office theme.

Finally, using Final Cut on the Mac, I created a final presentation, combining all of my research and ideas that promoted my final performance in a much more professional style. The editing and making this video took a long time, as it was the first time I had used either a Mac or Final Cut in this capacity. However, it was worth it and was one of the best things I have created this year.

This module was very challenging for many different reasons, but after it had all been handed in, I felt it was one of the best modules I had done, this could be due to its content being something that suited me and my style of working.

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