Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Mad Hatter Strikes Again...

When I was first told that I was to do millinery as my elective again I was slightly disappointed as I wanted to try something new but when I got the brief, I was very happy with what the area of research and my final outcome could be based upon.

With the brief focusing upon buildings and architecture- I decided to look at modern buildings and the shapes that are created into new buildings as they are now seen as art forms and complement their surroundings.

My hat was based around a trilby hat that had leather pieces that fanned around to create something that looks a bit modern and different. It was based upon a series of buildings in Barcelona, Spain, that used many shapes to make the buildings structure not only structurally sound, but also look attractive.

This elective was really fun, I feel that because I had done it before, when it came to starting the millinery process again, it all came back to me and this time it didn't take as long to make and I had learnt from last times mistakes!

My final outcome really fitted with the brief given, and to me, this has been one of my favorite units I have do as it has fit well to the style of work, drawing and design that I do best.

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