Monday 13 October 2008

My First Four Weeks...

During my first four weeks I have learnt so much about myself, finding out the skills I am stronger at and those, which still need tweaking. I have found that I have had to become much more organized in my college work and personal life and making sure my time management is sorted, after not being at school for months!

To find out what learning style I work best to, I completed a 70 question quiz. It turns out that I learn best when it is done in a visual style, using pictures and images. I definatly feel that this and aural learning, using music and sounds, is the best way of learning for me. Although before completed a pre graph to see how I thought i worked best and the results were very different...

My Test Graphs...



So far, there has been so much information to take in, with work set, deadlines given out and even just adapting to my new timetable. I have started to learn new skills- including- dart manipulation, block making,different types of seams and how to make them. I have also been introduced to new industrial machinery and equipment that is going to be such a core aspect of my time at college.